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Thread: Rampart range road

  1. #1

    Default Rampart range road

    Anyone know why the have seasonal gates on this road. Ran the south end up to the seasonal Sat about 6 to 8" of snow, it was just getting interesting then we got to that darn gate. Ruined what could have been a fun run north of the gate. Turned around and played on some other trails in the area. Seems to me if they were going to close the road in the winter they would put the gate a lot further south of where it is now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Pete Brody

    Default Re: Rampart range road

    This has been in effect for a very long time. The closure at the north end comes at around the Devil's Head trail parking area. This end of Rampart doesn't have anywhere near the number of side roads as the southern end, being mainly used for dirt bikes. When I did my first South Platte Climber's Guide in 1988, I was curious about this as it effectively closed off access to some climbing areas. I got in touch with the park service and they informed me that it was due to the fact that the county doesn't do any maintenance to this road in the winter and that they were basically tired of having to rescue people around the Devil's Head area which is both the highest point and gets the most snow. The placement of the gates has never made much sense to me, either.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rampart range road

    I knew the gates had been there a long time but wasn't sure for the reasoning or lack of. There's quite a few roads that counties don't maintain in the winter, they just post no winter maintenance. I guess the main reason is probably what you said about rescuing people in there during the winter. Thank goodness the government is looking out for my welfare. I'm not sure if I'm capable of doing this myself

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rampart range road

    Brody previously posted:
    "This has been in effect for a very long time. The closure at the north end comes at around the Devil's Head trail parking area....."

    My memory is that the closure is from Dakan Rd (-ish) all the way to Hwy 67 near Sedalia. It starts on Dec 1 and ends in the spring (date?).

  5. #5

    Default Re: Rampart range road

    I heard somewhere that they close the gates Non 30th

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rampart range road

    Viper previously posted:
    "I heard somewhere that they close the gates Non 30th"

    They close on Dec 1. The FS is religious about this. What I don't know is when they open. Does anybody?

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