Patrolman previously posted:
"I think the ad stated that a CV had been replaced, right? If there wasn't power to both wheels, the vehicle would sit motionless. Obviously since you can drive it, there is power to both wheels. In addition to making sure the CV's are right, make sure the splines on the hubs haven't stripped out and that the nuts on the CV is tight. Also make sure the roll pin that holds the CV to the tranny is intact. Basically, I would start on the "outside" and work my way in. By the time you get to the tranny, you will know if it needs to come out. Plus the parts you removed/inspected need to come apart to get the tranny out anyways."
He replaced the driver's side axle, pass side looks older. Both hubs look ok, and the nuts are definitely on the axles tight. Pins are in the axles/stubs on the trans. It definitely feels like it's coming from the trans itself, and I couldn't find anything wrong with either hub when I inspected it a short while ago. I was going to drop the pass axle, but it is proving to much harder than my Legacy axle, plus I don't have that size socket for my impact. It's something larger than my 32mm axle nut socket, and my adjustable wrench doesn't open up enough to even get on it.