Hello from Colorado Springs. I've lived here since 2014, and my current rig is a 2024 Crosstrek Wilderness. It's a good mix of capability, economy, and family-friendly. Goes anywhere I've wanted to go so far.
Hello from Colorado Springs. I've lived here since 2014, and my current rig is a 2024 Crosstrek Wilderness. It's a good mix of capability, economy, and family-friendly. Goes anywhere I've wanted to go so far.
JGRubicon (September 27th, 2024)
-.- . ----- .-- - -.-.
Welcome to the group!
Welcome to the group!
welcome to the group
We do not remember days, we remember moments.
Cesare Pavese
Thanks everyone, happy to be here.
Welcome! Love seeing a Subie on here
2004 Wrangler Rubicon
Thanks! I haven't many others, but they are actually really great off road. Way more capable than I expected it to be.
I had a non-Trailhawk 2015 Jeep Cherokee (which I guess wasn't technically AWD it was computer-activated 4WD -- no 4-LO) but that thing also did surprisingly well offroad. Plus a smooth highway ride!
2004 Wrangler Rubicon