Trevor? previously posted:
"Hello everyone. Now that its past labor day, it's time to start planning our end of year adopt-a-trail cleanup run. Please respond to the poll with any and all days you would be available and likely to join us. I've been in touch with Patrick at the forest service, and he has a conflict on the 23rd and 24th but his seasonal assistant would be able to fill in if needed. We'll probably avoid that weekend unless it stands out significantly in the polling.
Now for the cut-and paste from my previous posts:
For any new members or anyone who has not participated in a cleanup run before: we have two trail runs each year where we volunteer for the USFS and pick up trail trash. Our adopted trails are Barbour Fork and Devil's Canyon, both close to Idaho Springs. We split into two groups and run/clean both trails simultaneously. It's a great opportunity to give back a little, to be good stewards of the off-road community, and to meet/chat with other forum members as we spend a bit more time outside of our vehicles compared to a typical run.
Please fill out the poll and let us know what weekends you may be available. This poll is just a gauge of interest so we can coordinate a weekend with the USFS to maximize participation. Please check any and all dates where you believe you will be free to join us. I will provide the Forest Service with our top 3 results at the end of this week and once we settle on a date I will add a planned trail run to the calendar.
Thank you."
Sorry to be missing this clean up run as well as all the runs this season.
As some of you are aware our Jeep broke down early July shortly after our return from Australia.
The problem was the computer, which went out. Our mechanic could not locate a new one so after about 4 weeks he decided to have it rebuilt. We just got word today it is running. Now the secondary issue is fixing the rear main seal. This 2002 TJ is becoming a money pit. Not sure I even feel comfortable taking it into the mountain anymore.
Sorry to miss the clean up. We leave Thursday through most of October on our annual trip across the south to visit family.