Milwaukee 2767 cordless impact - H96A (reliable) vs H96B (unreliable)
A cost saving re-design gone bad.
Milwaukee Quietly Put Out a New 1/2" High Torque & People are Pissed
Milwaukee 2767 cordless impact - H96A (reliable) vs H96B (unreliable)
A cost saving re-design gone bad.
Milwaukee Quietly Put Out a New 1/2" High Torque & People are Pissed
On an impulse I almost bought one yesterday, glad I didn't.
FINOCJ (October 3rd, 2022)
I went back to Home Depot on my way home from work. They actually had one older model unit that should not be effected by this change, I bought it. I have wanted one of these for a long time, glad I got one that should be durable.
Milwaukee to pull the bad "B" model and revert back to the reliable "A" model. It's a long video (didn't watch). The first five minutes is the summary.
Milwaukee’s Official Statement on Our Video About Impact Issues
newracer (October 10th, 2022)
I have a Milwaukee 2766-20 1/2" impact I've been using for many years. 18 Volt, but very reliable and surprisingly powerful even with a low mAh CP 2.0 battery. Good to just toss in the Jeep for a road trip so you might not end up out there like grandpa with an old school four way. I'd highly recommend that impact.