Not really carnage per se, rather some interesting front drive shaft issues I've been plagued with the last couple weeks. Such is life on a straight axle swap
From no front drive shaft and 2 wheeling it during summer months the past couple summers, I was more than ready to dive head first back in the 4x4 game when I had Bill's Englewood Driveshaft make me a custom two-piece shaft and slip yoke. My first run with it was Feb. 8 up Switzerland with no issues. Ran over to Ironclads/Bunce and my issues began just after the first rock pile going up Ironclads. The shaft didn't have enough travel and separated a few times during suspension cycles when bouncing around.
Dropped it off with Bill after work that Monday and he had it back to me by Friday
Just in time to go run Sevenmile the following day. Not having to worry about the two piece shaft separating again I was ready for more fun!
Credit to Jim for this awesome picture!
The fun unfortunately ended here.. My hypothesis is that the deep water crossing caused water to go into shaft and shortly after making it out, froze, and "fused" my two piece slip shaft together. During suspension cycles and still having a slip yoke on the t-case side it was pulled off.
So... my goal this week is to try and tap the output shaft so that I can bolt the yoke onto it. Hopefully that will fix my front drive shaft issues for the time being. Eventually I'll open the case up and swap the output shafts for proper fixed yokes.