Coming in 2020, same year as the electric Wrangler and the new Bronco.![]()
Coming in 2020, same year as the electric Wrangler and the new Bronco.![]()
Saw this today also. Could be a market changer or a huge flop. The specs I saw today look ok.
I'd like to see electric rock crawlers / buggies... in-wheel motors to boot - the day will come! (a few years after electric trucks come out and they're old, beat and ready to be hacked)
individual wheel slip control - sweet
Interesting and might be a ranch workhorse, but I still don't see this as an off road vehicle.
Here's my issue. They are not stating how long it takes for a recharge. They state that it comes with three different power choices 105 kWh, 135 kWh, and 180 kWh. These power levels equate both to additional weight as well as additional range. They don't state the weight change but the range associated with each power level is 230+ miles, 300+ miles, and 400+ miles. As with all electric vehicles they do not equate range with the type of terrain or strain on the engine either. So if you get the lightest weight system with 105kWh power then your range is 230+ miles on normal highways. So at best any of these are only good for one maybe an overnight out in the mountains. Since there is no place to plug it in out there, you had better make sure you have enough reserve to get back.
I do like the undercarriage being flat, but think that it would require additional body armor (weight reducing range) in order to protect puncturing it on an off road adventure.
To me this looks more for the overlander than the off roader.
Add some solar panels to the roof of the cab, a small API generator to the rear and maybe you would be able to extend the range. But running out of juice out on the range is going to make recover more difficult. Not going to just be able to throw a 5gal can of fuel into it.![]()
I'm still waiting on the Mr. Fusion that Back to the Future promised us would power our electric vehicles....
James Orofino
1970 CJ5
1958 Willys Wagon
Range is a temporary issue. I'd be surprised if in the next 20 years finding gas will not be harder than finding a charger.
All the subclips are from major auto manufacturers, not small labs.
I agree Paul. In the end the insurance cost for driving your own car and the fuel costs for non electric vehicles will be luxuries only the rich can afford. I do see the day when all cars are self driving and by being 100% alert and proficient the inefficiencies of slow reaction times allow faster traffic flow on the same amount of road that we have today. To try and drive yourself will be a hazard because you cannot keep up with the traffic decision making and speed. Your electric truck will tow your classic/show/race car to the show/track/trail.
Swank, that sounds like heaven for commuting. I rather hope (and expect) that before we get to that point, there will be a long period where freeways, highways, and other high-priority routes are all "autonomous car only", but private drivers will be allowed to use certain secondary or tertiary roads. It feels like self-driving cars have a long way to go before they can widely handle some of the rural American roads.
Yes it's still a ways off but I think most of us will see this in our lifetime. Considering the first iPhone was released as President Obama was elected and look where that has gone since then. Things are moving very fast.
I had to look up the Obama / iPhone comment. I was thinking - no way, iPhone's have been around much longer - but yes, they are close:
iPhone: On June 29, 2007, the first iPhone[17] was released.
Obama Presidency: January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017
As for automated vehicles. I imagine the day of traffic lite-less intersections with vehicles, nearing roadway saturation, moving near road speed in both directions through an intersection - an "inches apart" mesh cris-crossing. coolness!
Real review of this. It looks nice. Do you recognize those trails?? You should!
speedkills (October 22nd, 2021)
Maybe Deer Creek / St. Johns? It's all changing so fast, I wonder if our current gas rigs will have any resale value in 10 years.
You kidding, our gas rigs will be collectables in 10 years, that makes them worth more right?
Who / what vehicle is going to be top dog on the Mad Max highway?!
This guy answers that in the beginning of this video. It will be an EV.I think the gas cars I have now will be the last ones I every buy. I love my Leaf.