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Thread: Members that can help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Longmont, CO
    2016 Rubicon, Belly Armor, MC 2.5 GC Lift
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    Default Members that can help.

    I know we've got a thread outlining what we do professionally. But... beyond that.

    I have a single car garage with air tools and a general good array of hand tools, including all manners of extensions and several heights of jack stands, I don't have a welder yet, but I hope to this year. I'm not trying to host someone's project car, but if you're up here near Longmont and have a weekend task, get a hold of me and if the timing works I'd be happy to help/host.

    I have many years of experiences with electronics, and I'm happy to lend a hand tracing out an electrical issue.

    I also have an SWR meter that's doing literally nothing at this point, so if you're installing a CB and need one, please, use mine. Seriously, please use it.

    I've many, many years of experience with car audio. If you want to know how to take some door speakers and build your doors up around them, I can help with that. Not so much useful on a Jeep, but I've been there and done a ton of things outside of this Jeep I have now. Engine swaps, Trans swaps, custom wiring, applying HUGE decals perfectly, etc.

    We have a huge base of very knowledgeable people here from what I've seen so far. I tend to over book myself, but when I'm available I would love to help any of you because I've seen that many of you would gladly do the same. I've been helped out by many great people over the years, I know what it's like to just NEED a place to work on a vehicle.

    Just throwing it out there.

  2. The Following 9 Members Say Thanks to JGRubicon For This Post:

    Brian (June 28th, 2017),Chris (June 28th, 2017),goSlo (June 28th, 2017),Jamie (June 29th, 2017),Jim (June 28th, 2017),Max (June 28th, 2017),TJS86TOY (June 28th, 2017),TNTJ05 (June 28th, 2017)

  3. #2

    Default Re: Members that can help.

    I certainly could have used this help a couple years ago when I did my slave cylinder in the folks' driveway in Longmont!! Good lookin out for the group Jason!!

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