This past weekend Val I ran Cascade Creek, Saxon,and Ute Creek on Saturday with Hypoid for a trail cleanup for one of the Ford sites we're on and Sunday we did cleanup on Kingston for naxja with Hypoid again. Got our first damage to our new JK, scraped and took some small chunks out of each of the wheels (Willys Logo wheels )and did a nice foot long scrape and dent to the fuel tank skid plate. It was at that point Val said to order a 2" lift kit, but I am going to get a 3-2 kit. Now I'm not one for shelf roads and on Kingston I made it to the parking area over looking the lakes. With my anxiety running rampant I got that far,and the ride back out was worse cause I kept forgetting to breathe and Val had to remind me to breathe. Point is I won't do another shelf road period, it's just too much wear n tear one my anxiety.