Theteener previously posted:
"For a quick jaunt to wet a fly, clear creek around Idaho Springs is good as any to practice. If it ever warms up and returns to decent levels, you can catch on dries or run nymphs. I doubt any records will come out of there. NO wheeling though, just I-70. Hackett, Metberry, and Longwater (or at least 2 of them) end right at the south platte. Good fishing there, but I am not positive of the ownership. The Arkansas ha about 100-150 miles of decent fishing from Leadville to Pueblo - most of it public land. It's all highway, but if you get creative there is wheelin' in the area so you could fish then ride. There's enough river to find some solitude, except for the asses that like to crowd. They're too lazy to walk a nice distance and seem to think your spot is their spot. Oddly enough, I've accidentally hooked some of those types on my back cast with a heavy nymph or streamer. The Eagle is fun, on the other side of Vail, and is accessible. Find a spot that isn't marked NO TRESPASSING that isn't occupied and that is a nice place to start. Obviously, I like river better than lake, so my opinions will tend in that direction. If the rain ever stops, and the new snow melts off the hills, you can probably stop ad fish a few with me. Just look for the little black jeep"
if you really want to get after the good spots on the ark get a raft and really explore that river. The good stuff is nowhere near the highway.