Name is Jim. I am a retired engineer. We recently bought a place in Canon City. My wife and I enjoy running the easier trails. Reason being we like to take it slow and avoid crowds. Enjoy sightseeing, rockhounding, camping and some fishing....the usual stuff. Definitely not into rock crawling. Seems like my primary investment is in rolling stock. We have: '79 FJ40 (I bought it new), '85 FJ60 (recently new to me), '86 M1009 CUCV (my daily driver), '89 Toyota 4WD p/u, '98 4Runner (wife's daily driver). Almost forgot the: M101A2 3/4T trailer, Pioneer Tool Trailer, and M416 1/4T trailer. Definitely meet the front range requirement - I can stand in my yard, throw a rock and hit the first hogback. May not fulfill the must participate in one group event per year requirement due to a strong independent/contrarian streak. Have to wait and see. QUESTION: When I hit the enter key, why don't I get a paragraph spacing?.......Jim
Edit: Added photo of the FJ60 - it is an expedition vehicle cliche. The only things missing are jerry can racks and limb risers - I may add those.