"Never done it but want to. Full size ok?"
an H1 was in my group when we did Red Cone. There was one spot in the trees that he positioned it perfectly so that each of the hinges of the mirrors were loaded up evenly on the trees on each side. I swear I heard a POP (finger in mouth popping sound) when the truck came out.
One of my favorite trails- probably not RWD friendly for someone wanting to drive back to KS at the end of the week. And I had to be spotted over a rock down lower on the trail- it's next to a tree and my wheelbase is such that without a locker in this section it was a small challenge for me. A different wheelbase probably wouldn't have any trouble- I was trying to climb with the front wheels and the back at the same time without getting too close to the tree and adding to the pile of broken glass at the bottom of the tree.