amazing truck.
amazing truck.
I like how he says "oh, about 160", but really nice vehicles.
Here' an excerpt from the brochure...
The ICON is not a fashion statement. It is a vehicle – a utilitarian tool to maximize your
experiences in the outdoors. “Sport utility vehicles,” Jonathan says, “have all but lost their
usefulness. That’s why we created this.”
The ICON is for accomplished people who do not need to show their status, but who love
owning something that is unique, highly functional, and made just for them.
The ICON is for people who appreciate the intelligence that goes into the hundreds of
choices made in its design and assembly, and how, in a vehicle costing upwards of $100,000,
nothing is superfluous.
This is a product for those who resist commoditized mass production goods
in favor of hand crafted US made products of distinction and quality.
•|||||||• "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did." Mark Twain
It's cool, but if I was shopping in that range I'd take the Brute / Jeep 4 door truck over it.
Paul, I was 'amazed' they didn't hit a trailI mean jeez, do I need to invite Jay up to my place
I wish my Rubicon had that motor though....
And I fully agree, for the money I would have me a couple of JK8 Brutes, by AEV.
FYI, the base price is only $127,000 on Icon FJ40. That's much more reasonable, eh? Would you have to get a car loan or a mortgage to buy it?
glacierpaul (April 7th, 2013)
I'd have to get my head examined.
Chris in Florida
glacierpaul (April 6th, 2013)