That is all!
That is all!
Is that on one of your rigs?
Kill it with fire!
Holee crap!
Use Brake Cleaner on them. Will drop them on contact and you can shoot them from a long ways away....
I got stung the other night. Was cleaning up some junk the previous owner left us, shook out an old tarp. About the time I snapped it out they came (wasps). Got me 2 times (I'm not allergic). Next day i went and got some wasp spray. Done deal.
Be sure to spray them at night when they have all come home for a good night's sleep. Otherwise, the lost wasps will just find another place to nest on your stuff.
I had 4 of the smaller nests on my 4Runner 3 weeks ago. Went out to move it (4th time in several minutes) and all of a sudden got swarmed and stung 3 times. Worst was on my left eyebrow. Needless to say, got them all with the spray after dark. Have since stumbled on about 5 more around the yard in various places. Got stung once more yesterday. It has been a long and hot summer. Can't wait until it is over.
Dang! I just got rid of a nest inside my receiver on the I'm scared to look underneath lol.
Somebody else was asking if we had been having trouble with wasps this year. There does seem to be a lot more this year.
Interesting short article about them in the Ft Collins paper from Aug 2nd.
They have been up here this summer!!
We've had them in two of the Broncos & the suburban, plus our little shed in the back yard. Probably more if I really looked.
yes, kill it with fire.
I have already had 3 in the explorer. One ranger that came into work had about 4.
Got stung a couple years ago walking through my gate. Decided to open up the gate and look inside and removed over 40 nests, they still come back every year in there...I just leave them alone until they start to get vicious when I walk through. The roofs this summer are just swarming with them, they are definitely bad this year.
We do not remember days, we remember moments.
Cesare Pavese
I've been using these exact traps for the last three years after my wife was stung walking in the front door. I walked around the house & looked in my shed & the swing set & between those 3 places, I counted 12 nests. I bought 6 of those traps & put them up in various places. a few weeks after that, they were full & those nests were empty. Every spring now, I put a few traps out. Just this year, I saw them flying around my shed so I hung one off the awning & it got full & now there's none in my shed. They're $9.97 at the Wallyworld I went to.
I had read that these oftentimes don't work, but I might have to give them a try. Place them right near to the nests and see if it helps.
Being allergic we have had a hell of a time this year with them. Nests under the ranger and the trailer, shed, garage eaves. I too put out those wasp traps and have not gotten one wasp in them yet just the bees which they are not supposed to attracted but hey with the allergies to stingy critters I am happy they are catching anything!!!!!